Mission Statement
Mission Statement |
Village of Dompoase Education Project, a registered non-profit organization, will work in partnership with this village in Kumasi, Ghana, to provide the children educational resources that will allow them to develop their potential and move on to a higher education to be productive for themselves and their community.
To provide a progressive technical education, that will include access to a computer lab with 24 workstations, with Internet access and training materials available.
To make books accessible to as many children as possible, through the construction of a library with collections of books and resources designed to meet the curriculum, research, creative, and personal needs of the community.
Statement of Purpose
Receive contributions to build two additional classrooms to the existing kindergarten and furnish with desks and supplies
Funds will also be solicited in order to construct a separate building for a library and computer lab
"It is my wish that the voice of the storyteller will never die in Africa, that all children in the world may experience the wonder of books, and that they will never lose the capacity to enlarge their earthly dwelling place with the magic of stories." - Nelson Mandela